Art Appreciation Advanced Modules

On this page, you'll find a curated collection of our optional Advanced Modules, each tailored to specific genres. These modules become available for purchase after you've completed your first two assignments successfully. Every Advanced Module comprises one module and one assignment, and upon successful completion, you can download a certificate of achievement.

Australian Art from Colonialism to Contemporary

₱ 5,499.00

This module gives you greater insight and more in depth knowledge of Colonial Art finding its own voice in the Great Southern Land. You will take a close look at the history of Australian Art and the domestic Art Market, from the first explorers recording their escapades to present-day artists adding to a national heritage. This module will examine the most significant Australian artists, including indigenous artists and explain the structures and styles over the last 200 odd years. The author describes how the formative ideas of the colonial spirit evolved into the current national identity.

Author : Barry Pearce

Terra Australis and the European Imagination

First Fleet and the Art of Necessity

Squatters, Explorers, Gold and Sheep

Marvelous Melbourne, Sensuous Sydney

Modernism Awakens

Beyond Modernism, and the Academy of the Global

Paradigms Lost

British Art from Holbein to Hirst

₱ 5,499.00

In this module we are taking a close look at the history of British Art, often seen as eccentric and at odds with the rest of Europe. This module will discuss the most significant British artists from the English reformation to the YBAs (Young British Artists). It will explain the structures and styles of the times and the pivotal movements placed within a historical context.

The Authors

Tudor England

The Stuarts

The Hanoverians

The Reign of Queen Victoria

The Modern Age

Contemporary Britain

Further Reading

Where to See


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